Vibrant traditions define India.
JVKS prioritizes various fields, including training, skill development, empowerment of
bhajana artists, dancers, and singers. The organization forms professionals into
effective Self-Help Groups, fostering new and improved skills in arts such as 1. Kolatam
Chekka Bhajana, Kuluku Bhajana, Pandari Bhajana, Pillamgatlu, Kavadi Bhajana, Keelugurralu,
Aasadi Kathalu, Jakkeeka, Gobbi Aata, Thappeta Goollu, Chettu Bhajana, Dappulu, Ballari Drums,
Jamukulu, Dubbankulu, Guravayyalu, Urumulu, Lambadi Nruthyam, Chidathala Ramayanam,
Oggu Kathalu, Koyyakaallu, Burra Katha, Dhimsa, Kommu Koyyalu, Mallana Kukkalu, Bethala
Nruthyam, Veedhi Natikalu Janapada Nruthyalu, Puli Veshalu, Karra Samu, Kathi Samu . Its focus
extends to livelihood promotion, adult literacy, health and sanitation, infrastructure
development, capacity building of welfare institutions, and the welfare of the aged and